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@access <package|private|protected|public>


The @access tag specifies the access level of a member. You can use the @access tag as a synonym for other tags:

  • @access package is the same as @package. This option is available in JSDoc 3.5.0 and later.
  • @access private is the same as @private.
  • @access protected is the same as @protected.
  • @access public is the same as @public.

Private members are not shown in the generated output unless JSDoc is run with the -p/--private command-line option. In JSDoc 3.3.0 and later, you can also use the -a/--access command-line option to change this behavior.

Note that a doclet's access level is different from its scope. For example, if Parent has an inner variable named child that is documented as @public, the child variable will still be treated as an inner variable with the namepath Parent~child. In other words, the child variable will have an inner scope, even though the variable is public. To change a doclet's scope, use the @instance, @static, and @global tags.


Using @access as a synonym for other tags

/** @constructor */
function Thingy() {
/** @access private */
var foo = 0

/** @access protected */
this._bar = 1

/** @access package */
this.baz = 2

/** @access public */
this.pez = 3

// same as...

/** @constructor */
function OtherThingy() {
/** @private */
var foo = 0

/** @protected */
this._bar = 1

/** @package */
this.baz = 2

/** @public */
this.pez = 3